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A Bit About Us

Working Towards a Better Tomorrow


About Dogwood Animal Shelter

Volunteers have been the driving force behind Dogwood Animal Shelter since its beginning.  Through auctions and sales, a handful of dedicated people raised enough money to build a small facility and in 1976, the badly needed shelter was established as a 501(c)3.  It was filled beyond capacity almost immediately.  From the start, Dogwood offered low cost spays and neuters, and since 1997, when the board of directors declared Dogwood a no-kill facility, it has steadily expanded that program.   When the long awaited new shelter facility, located near Osage Beach was built in 2005, a spay/neuter clinic was included so that the surgeries could be done on site.

Some 2021 statistics:

  • In 2021, Dogwood Animal Shelter spayed/neutered 1,194 animals in its low cost spay/neuter clinic. Unfortunately, that's not enough; there's so much more to be done, as evidenced by the shelter's constant "full to capacity" condition.

  • Dogwood Animal Shelter houses 250 to 300 animals consistently; providing shelter, rehabilitation and necessary medical attention to homeless lake area pets. In 2021, the shelter took in 721 dogs and cats and adopted out 708.


Dogwood Animal Shelter receives no public assistance funding. Donations are gratefully accepted at any time. Our work depends on them!


"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"

Vincent van Gogh

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